With all the rain we have been having lately Kangaroo Kids Prekindergarten class has resorted to some indoor gardening! It has been a valuable lesson in science and literacy as children used their journals to document the changes their grass caterpillars went through at each stage of their growth!

Here is how you can make a grass caterpillar at home:
Put some newspaper or an old plastic table cloth on your work surface.

Get a bag of soil and some grass seed and mix them together in an old bowl or tin pan.

Find an old pair of panty hose and cut it so you have one leg available for the caterpillar.

Fill the panty hose with the mixture of soil and grass seed.

Twist and tie off the open end so your mixture stays inside the stocking.

Use some string to tie off a few section of the caterpillar.

Now you just need to care for your caterpillar by spraying it with a little water every day to keep it moist. Have fun observing the changes! Find a notebook and have your child draw or write about what they see as an old stocking transforms into a lovely grass “caterpillar.”