We’re so much more than ABC’s!
Kangaroo Kids is so much more than core competency learning and ABC’s. See our list of fun and unique activities the kids LOVE to learn!

Kangaroo Kids offers enrichment programs to expand the learning opportunities available for children. These onsite activities allow children to experience many different activities such as music, dance, computers, and gymnastics, without adding more commitments to parents’ already busy schedules. Many of these programs are extensions of our school curriculum, but they allow children to spend more time increasing their knowledge and skills in these areas. The fees are established by the program coordinator. Programs vary throughout the year, depending on the level of interest. Suggestions from parents interested in additional enrichment programs are always welcome. Below are some of the opportunities available.
Contact us today for more information.
Children are naturally curious, they can learn many lessons through gardening. Here are just a few!
Science – by understanding the life cycle of a plant and what plants need to grow.
Math – by measuring the space, counting seeds, spacing the seeds, or comparing the sizes of seeds, and using a rain gauge.
Art – by creating their own row marker.
Language & Reading – as children read books about gardening, look at seed catalogs and find recipes for their harvest.
Gardening can teach children how to be responsible and care for something (feeding, weeding and watering) and give them a sense of accomplishment as they watch what they nurture grow. Gardening also teaches patience, as they must wait and watch as plants thrive in their well-tended garden.
Besides what child doesn’t like to play in the dirt, make mud pies, or check out the bugs and worms?
Technology plays an important role in today’s world. Even two year old children look on any screen as a touch screen. It is important to make sure technology is used appropriately with young children and they are prepared for the future. Kangaroo Kids is one of the only child care programs to have a smart board. Children will experience technology through computers, iPads, smart boards and cameras. Children will learn to use technology for communication, research, and problem solving as well as enhancing curriculum skills in math, science and literacy.