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Creative Connections for December


Here are some festive activities and recipes  for December 2021 to help you and your children celebrate the holiday season. Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children! Nov. 28-Dec. 5th -Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights and lasts eight days. [...]

Creative Connections for December2021-11-30T14:26:14-05:00

Creative Connections for September


30th Anniversary Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this September from Kangaroo Kids, Leaders in Education since 1991 Please take pictures of your activities and share them with your classrooms! We would love to see what you create!! 9/6 Observed on the first Monday [...]

Creative Connections for September2021-09-01T11:14:07-04:00

Creative Connections for August


Below are a few ideas of things to do with your family with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this August!  Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children! Please take pictures of your activities and share [...]

Creative Connections for August2021-08-04T09:42:48-04:00

Creative Connections for May


Here are a few ideas with links to activities, crafts and recipes you can create with your children this May! 5/1 National Mother Goose Day & May Day: On Mother Goose Day, revisit your favorite childhood fairy tales. May Day, held on May 1st, is a celebration of spring!! Bring out the inner chef and [...]

Creative Connections for May2021-05-04T13:34:54-04:00

Creative Connections for March


Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this March! 3/2 National Read Across America Day – Falls on Dr. Seuss’ birthday. It is a campaign to help celebrate reading across America.  Kangaroo Kids will be hosting special events during the first week of March to celebrate. [...]

Creative Connections for March2021-02-27T10:34:48-05:00

Creative Connections 2021 January


Ring in 2021 with these exciting activities that you and your family can enjoy together. The Times Square ball drop at midnight on New Year’s Eve in New York City has been signaling the start of a new year every January 1 since 1908. New Year’s Day represents a fresh beginning, as plans and resolutions [...]

Creative Connections 2021 January2021-01-02T15:08:39-05:00

Giving Tree


Giving Tree keeps on giving even through Covid at Kangaroo Kids!  Typically, around this time of year you would see a large Giving Tree in the front windows of the school covered in names of young children hoping for holiday cheer. While Kangaroo Kids is unable to welcome you into the building to choose the [...]

Giving Tree2020-11-28T06:59:00-05:00

Creative Connections for July


7/1 National Gingersnap Day:  Appearing during medieval times in Germany, gingersnap cookies are flavored with ginger, cloves & allspice.  Do you have a favorite gingersnap recipe you like to make? Here’s a recipe for “Grandma’s Gingersnap Cookies” 7/4 Independence Day: July 4th is America’s birthday! Independence Day marks the anniversary of the day Congress adopted [...]

Creative Connections for July2020-11-30T20:00:59-05:00

Creative Connections for May


Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this May! Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and choose Open Hyperlink 5/1 Happy Mother Goose Day! While the origins of Mother Goose are a bit vague, a [...]

Creative Connections for May2020-11-30T20:00:59-05:00
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