

Learning through Play


Did you know…  Play is one of the most important ways children learn?In the popular Exchange book, Play: A Beginnings Workshop Book, Betty Jones, in her article "The Play's the Thing: Styles of Playfulness", notes the many ways children learn through make appropriate choices among many use their imagination, to improvise, to think [...]

Learning through Play2020-11-30T20:01:07-05:00

Holding Back Your Child?


Kindergarten registration has begun! In most school districts, children must be 5 years old by October 1, 2012 to enroll in Kindergarten. Many parents are faced with the dilemma of determining when his or her child should begin school. Today, parents are becoming more aggressive in determining what is in the best interest of their [...]

Holding Back Your Child?2012-03-07T14:58:00-05:00

25 Tips To Encourage Literacy In Young Children


1. Babble back to your infants2. Encourage conversation3. Teach site words – McDonalds, Lucky Charms, Barney4. Speak another language5. Encourage drawing and inventive spelling6. Script what children say about their drawings – write their story, make it into a book7. Fall in love with language, rhymes, songs and role model reading8. Label your child’s environment9. [...]

25 Tips To Encourage Literacy In Young Children2012-03-01T13:43:00-05:00

Avoid the 3 S’s!


Read the food labels and avoid products with high levels of the three-S's according to WebMD:• Sugar• Saturated fat (and trans fat)• Sodium

Avoid the 3 S’s!2012-02-11T16:53:00-05:00

Money and Young Children


When you’re raising children, one of the most important things you, as a parent, can teach your children is how to handle their money. Children should be taught at a young age that they can't always get what they want, when they want it. This automatically means that you can, and must, say "no" to [...]

Money and Young Children2011-12-05T14:38:00-05:00

Thanksgiving Turkey


Here is a fun Thanksgiving Project you can try at home! Get some child safe paint and a few paint brushes and paint each of your child’s fingers a different fall color! Paint his or her palm brown! Have your child press his or her handprint on a piece of paper to create a very [...]

Thanksgiving Turkey2020-11-30T20:01:08-05:00

Make Gathering Leaves A Learning Opportunity


A nature stroll to collect leaves can end with a math, science or literacy lesson! Have your children collect leaves then discuss how the transformation of leaves occur from green to the many beautiful colors of autumn as a science lesson. If you need a little help explaining photosynthesis and the entire leaf changing process [...]

Make Gathering Leaves A Learning Opportunity2020-11-30T20:01:08-05:00


Painting – Be creative! Instead of just using a paint brush, let your child paint with different instruments such as rollers, matchbox cars, q-tips, or even their fingers!You can even use those old apples to do stamp painting by cutting the apples in half and dipping them in paint. If messy projects aren’t your favorite [...]


Playdough Fun


Sensory play is play that involves the use of one or more of the five senses, touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing. Children learn best when they can experience the world through all their senses. All week at Kangaroo Kids Summer Camp we are doing Messy But Meaningful projects!Play dough is a good old standby, [...]

Playdough Fun2011-07-27T14:00:00-04:00

Rover will like this Sensory Fun!


Here is an activity that will give you a sense of accomplishment while your child is having a fun sensory experience. Get a big bucket of water and the doggie shampoo and wash the dog together! You can teach your child about the fascinating chemistry of how the bubbles form (if you need a little [...]

Rover will like this Sensory Fun!2011-07-26T13:23:00-04:00
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