

Creative Connections for January


Ring in 2023 with these exciting activities that you and your family can enjoy together. 1/1-New Year’s Day: The Times Square ball drops at midnight on New Year’s Eve in New York City has been signaling the start of a new year every January 1 since 1908. New Year’s Day represents a fresh beginning, as [...]

Creative Connections for January2023-01-07T07:58:22-05:00

Creative Connections for May


Wonders of Nature Here are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this May!  The most precious gift you can give your child is your time. 5/1 National Mother Goose Day & May Day: On Mother Goose Day, revisit your favorite childhood fairy tales. May [...]

Creative Connections for May2022-05-02T22:28:47-04:00

Creative Connections for April


Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this April! Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these with your children! 4/1 “Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you have good luck!”. It is also known [...]

Creative Connections for April2022-04-02T09:02:39-04:00

Kangaroo Kids Creative Connections for March


Create Connections with your children with some of these fun crafts, activities and recipes you can do together 3/1 Happy National Fruit Compote Day! Compote is French for mixture and has a long French history! A compote is a dessert made of pieces of fruit in sugar syrup cooked in water and seasonings. The French [...]

Kangaroo Kids Creative Connections for March2022-02-27T07:55:56-05:00

Creative Connections for April


April showers bring May flowers but they also bring fun lesser known celebrations than just Easter and Passover and lots of crafts and recipes to kick off the start of Spring! Below are a few ideas with links to things you can do with your children this month. 4/1 April Fool’s Day. Prepare your best [...]

Creative Connections for April2021-04-04T08:59:34-04:00

Creative Connections for March


Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this March! 3/2 National Read Across America Day – Falls on Dr. Seuss’ birthday. It is a campaign to help celebrate reading across America.  Kangaroo Kids will be hosting special events during the first week of March to celebrate. [...]

Creative Connections for March2021-02-27T10:34:48-05:00

Creative Connections for August


8/2 National American Family Day: The first Sunday in August is for spending time with our families.  Unlike some other familial holidays, the proclamation of “National American Family Day” discourages gift giving.  Instead, the observance urges focusing on family relationships.  There are many ways to do this:  Play games outside or go for a walk, [...]

Creative Connections for August2020-11-30T20:00:59-05:00

Resources for Early Learners


Make learning fun! Here are some resources to help with online learning. Remember the most important things you can do with your child is to read, sing and have conversations. Children learn through play. Hope you enjoy these resources to supplement at home learning for young children. Creative Curriculum  Social Distancing   Online Read Alouds and [...]

Resources for Early Learners2021-04-04T08:28:30-04:00

Free Resources


Thanks to one of our companies, Discount School Supply, we are providing a list of free resources to assist you with fun and education activities for your children. Hope you enjoy! PBSkids The website for children's programming aired by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in the United States. Experiencing America: A Smithsonian Tour through American [...]

Free Resources2020-11-30T20:00:59-05:00
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