

How Does Preschool Help A Child Grow?


What are some of the ways preschool helps a child grow? By Child psychiatrist Joshua SparrowFor some children this may be the first time they're going into a group setting where the attention by caregivers will be divided among several children. Learning to share the relationship to the teacher will be a major new gain. [...]

How Does Preschool Help A Child Grow?2020-11-30T20:01:08-05:00

Separation Anxiety


The transition to preschool is often marked with two steps forward, one step back, as your child grows and learns in amazing ways — but at the same time, regresses in some behaviors, too. In Scholastic for Parents, Child psychiatrist Joshua Sparrow, M.D., is an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School professor and co-author, with [...]

Separation Anxiety2011-09-25T12:26:00-04:00

What Children can Learn from Gardening?


Because children are naturally curious, they can learn many lessons through gardening and associated activities. What child doesn't like to play in the dirt, make mud pies, or check out the bugs and worms? Aside from this, other educational aspects of gardening might include: • Science - Talk to your child about the life cycle [...]

What Children can Learn from Gardening?2020-11-30T20:01:08-05:00

Shaving Cream Fun!


Here is a great way to work on literacy skills and shape recognition in the summer, while enhancing creativity, too. Put a big squirt of shaving cream on your picnic table and let your young artist explore. You can add to the sensory fun by making shapes with the shaving cream or the letters of [...]

Shaving Cream Fun!2020-11-30T20:01:08-05:00


Painting – Be creative! Instead of just using a paint brush, let your child paint with different instruments such as rollers, matchbox cars, q-tips, or even their fingers!You can even use those old apples to do stamp painting by cutting the apples in half and dipping them in paint. If messy projects aren’t your favorite [...]


Playdough Fun


Sensory play is play that involves the use of one or more of the five senses, touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing. Children learn best when they can experience the world through all their senses. All week at Kangaroo Kids Summer Camp we are doing Messy But Meaningful projects!Play dough is a good old standby, [...]

Playdough Fun2011-07-27T14:00:00-04:00

Rover will like this Sensory Fun!


Here is an activity that will give you a sense of accomplishment while your child is having a fun sensory experience. Get a big bucket of water and the doggie shampoo and wash the dog together! You can teach your child about the fascinating chemistry of how the bubbles form (if you need a little [...]

Rover will like this Sensory Fun!2011-07-26T13:23:00-04:00

Messy But Meaningful


Remember “Silly Putty” and “Slime?” If you enjoyed playing with either of these as a child here is a homemade version called "Goop" that you can make with your child. You may be encouraging a future scientist! Goop1. Two cups white glue 2. One cup liquid laundry starch Mix together to an even consistency and [...]

Messy But Meaningful2011-07-25T15:15:00-04:00

Messy But Meaningful


If your child comes home from preschool looking picture perfect everyday, it is time to delve into the kinds of activities the class is doing during the day! Young children learn with all their senses and should have a variety of opportunities for exploration. There will be times when children may get a little paint [...]

Messy But Meaningful2011-07-21T11:20:00-04:00

Healthy Snacks


This is Celebrity Chef Week at Kangaroo Kids so here are some healthy snack tips! In our house, we always cut juice with about ½ amount of water, which cuts down on the sugar… and the best juices are the 100% variety, without sugar (not the diet kind). Of course, you can also freeze these [...]

Healthy Snacks2020-11-30T20:01:08-05:00
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