

Save Our Oceans


New Jersey is a coastal state and it is important for us to take care of one our most valuable natural resources, the ocean! The world’s oceans not only provide spectacular views as you watch the rhythmic tranquil waves of a calm day or the fierce crashing waves of a stormy day but it also [...]

Save Our Oceans2011-06-01T12:17:00-04:00

Caterpillar’s Get a Haircut


The grand finale of the caterpillar project was a haircut! It was great fun plus a wonderful fine motor activity to enhance writing skills!

Caterpillar’s Get a Haircut2020-11-30T20:01:08-05:00


PANTY HOSE GRASS CATERPILLAR PROJECTWith all the rain we have been having lately Kangaroo Kids Prekindergarten class has resorted to some indoor gardening! It has been a valuable lesson in science and literacy as children used their journals to document the changes their grass caterpillars went through at each stage of their growth! Here is [...]


“May is Fitness Month. Get Moving, America!”


Set the stage now with your children for a lifetime of fitness! With the rising rates of obesity, heart disease and depression, now is the time to role model a healthy lifestyle for our children. Sports and fitness activities not only increase fitness levels and keep weight down, but can also provide a hobby for [...]

“May is Fitness Month. Get Moving, America!”2011-05-23T20:10:00-04:00

Garbage-Less Lunches


It is important to take care of our Earth everyday! Last week the Pre-K classroom at Kangaroo Kids collected and saved all of their garbage. “Sounds disgusting I know, however, the reason for this was so the children can visualize how much “stuff” we throw away and waste,” said Pre—K lead teacher Miss Misse. They [...]

Garbage-Less Lunches2011-04-25T11:43:00-04:00

Celebrate Week of the Young Child at Home!


Celebrate the Week of the Young Child April 10th to 16th with your children! Take a moment to read a special book or work on a cooperative craft or art project. Children love helping in the kitchen and will be thrilled to help prepare dinner or dessert for the family. If you are going to [...]

Celebrate Week of the Young Child at Home!2011-04-10T13:30:00-04:00

Choosing A Good Book For Your Child


How to Choose Good Books For Your Child“One approach is to look for award-winning books. There are two famous awards for children's literature made each year by the American Library Association that are good indicators of quality work: the Caldecott Medal for illustration and the Newbery Medal for writing. But these are given to only [...]

Choosing A Good Book For Your Child2020-11-30T20:01:09-05:00



Literacy is the growing ability of children to construct meaning from print. The ability to read and write begins at birth as parents talk and read to infants and toddlers. Literacy skills, which are the ability to listen, speak, read, and write are all interdependent. These skills open to door to academic achievement and provide [...]


Partner’s In Education Conference


Don't miss our conference, "Partner's In Education," April 2nd at RVCC!! The keynote will be presented by nationally renowned, Gigi Schweikert. The topic will be “The Power of One Positive Person,” Have you ever thought about the incredible power you have to make a positive difference in the lives of those around you? The positive [...]

Partner’s In Education Conference2020-11-30T20:01:09-05:00

Preschool Curriculum


CurriculumWhat is important in a Preschool Curriculum?  At Kangaroo Kids Child Care & Learning Center we believe that if children enjoy the process of learning it has lifelong benefits!  The preschool age is such an important window of opportunity in the learning process so make sure your child is in a program that values education [...]

Preschool Curriculum2020-11-30T20:01:09-05:00
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