

Creative Connections for January


Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this January! Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and chose Open Hyperlink 1/6  National Bean Day commemorates the death of geneticist Gregor Mendel who experimented with breeding pea plants, which [...]

Creative Connections for January2018-01-04T08:20:03-05:00

December Connections


Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this December! Create with your children 12/8  National Brownie Day: Each year on December 8, brownie lovers across the nation enjoy one of their favorite baked goods on National Brownie Day. 12/12 Hanukkah  Which is called The Festival [...]

December Connections2020-11-30T20:01:04-05:00

Creative Connections for November


Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this November! November is American Indian Heritage Month. American Indian Heritage Month began in 1990 when then President George H.W. Bush approved a resolution designating November as a time to recognize our country’s native heritage. Create with your [...]

Creative Connections for November2020-11-30T20:01:04-05:00

Creative Connections for October


Children love creating! Whether it be arts and crafts, music, dramatic play or cooking, children LOVE creating things as well as showing them off! Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this October! Create with your children 10/11 Teddy Bear Day: Bring your Teddy bear [...]

Creative Connections for October2020-11-30T20:01:04-05:00

Creative Connections for September


Children love creating! Whether it be arts and crafts, music, dramatic play or cooking, children LOVE creating things as well as showing them off! Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this September! Create with your children 9/15 Make a Hat Day: What kind of [...]

Creative Connections for September2020-11-30T20:01:05-05:00

Kangaroo Kids Creates a Human Puzzle Piece


Kangaroo Kids celebrated 25 years of being leaders in education at our annual family carnival.   There were games, food and activities for the whole family complete with a special visit from Sparky and hugs from Kanga the Kangaroo! Families enjoyed a performance by the Robotics Team and Gifts from Dr. Oz and local sports [...]

Kangaroo Kids Creates a Human Puzzle Piece2020-11-30T20:01:05-05:00

Making a Decision: Who is Teaching My Child? A Five Part Series on Choosing a Preschool


Research indicates preschool education has many benefits for children.  In addition to exposure to curriculum including literacy experiences, mathematical concepts, and science activities, a high quality preschool gives children the opportunity to learn how to socialize, to share and to contribute to society.  Making a sound decision about early childhood education is a crucial for [...]

Making a Decision: Who is Teaching My Child? A Five Part Series on Choosing a Preschool2020-11-30T20:01:05-05:00

Summer Sensory Play


If your child comes home  from preschool looking picture perfect everyday, it is time to delve into the kinds of activities the class is doing during the day!  Young children learn with all their senses and should have a variety of opportunities for exploration.  There will be times when children may get a little paint on their clothes or [...]

Summer Sensory Play2020-11-30T20:01:05-05:00

Summer Scientists


This week at Kangaroo Kids Summer Camp the theme is Science Sensations!  Here is an experiment we will do at school that you can do at home! It is called Geyser Blast Off!  All you need us a  2 liter bottle of Diet Coke and a pack of Mint Mentos! It is very sticky so make [...]

Summer Scientists2016-01-29T01:04:18-05:00

Help You Child Become a Problem Solver


In Today’s fast paced society where everyone is connected at all times we expect immediate answers and solutions.  These demands can cause a great deal of stress for adults as well as for children. Teaching children to take the time and steps necessary to become problem solvers can alleviate stress and inappropriate responses to challenges.  Here [...]

Help You Child Become a Problem Solver2016-01-29T01:04:21-05:00
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