Discipline is an opportunity to teach.
 Start by creating a YES environment for children.  They need to climb, explore, and experiment.  Create an environment where they can be successful and meet their developmental needs. 
Here are a few examples of how you can turn a negative comment into a YES comment:
Negative message:                                         Positive Message
Don’t climb on the furniture                             Let’s go to the park to climb
Stop yelling                                                     Use your inside voice
Don’t run                                                        Use your walking feet
You can also redirect unacceptable behavior like throwing toys into acceptable behavior by having the child help you fold socks and throw them into the laundry basket.  This serves many purposes, it fulfills their need to throw, helps you get the laundry done, gives a positive message, encourages sharing family responsibility and it can be just plain fun!
“A torn jacket is soon mended. But harsh words bruise the heart of a child”     by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow