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Taking Memorable Photos!

Photo tips – Memories are created during holiday time and camera lights are flashing!  To make the most of your holiday photos here are a few tips:Ø  Fill the frame – Make sure your subject is the largest thing in your view finder.Ø  Check your background - Before you push the button look at your [...]

Taking Memorable Photos!2020-11-30T20:01:11-05:00

Build Relationships With Your Children

Build relationships now!  The old fashioned days of dinner bell at 5:00 and the whole family getting together  for a meal may be a fleeting memory but it is important to make time to share stories, and listen to the events of your child’s day.  Even if you can only manage to arrange a family [...]

Build Relationships With Your Children2020-11-30T20:01:11-05:00

“Please don’t rush me!” Allow time for transitions

“Please don’t rush me!” Allow time for transitions.  When we are engaged in an activity, whether it’s a computer project or reading a great book, most of us need time to switch gears.  Children also need transition time.  Give time for transition by letting your child know what will come next.  “In five minutes we [...]

“Please don’t rush me!” Allow time for transitions2010-11-27T15:09:00-05:00

Whitehouse Mom’s

Whitehouse Mom's – I enjoyed presenting the Parent Workshop entitled “Things To Do With Your Child,” for your organization.  You are a very energetic and creative group of Mom’s.  I love your newsletter!  Thanks for the opportunity to share the information!  Happy Parenting!

Whitehouse Mom’s2020-11-30T20:01:11-05:00

Preparing Your Child For Success

Kangaroo Kids hosted an outstanding Parent Workshop last week by certified school psychologist Laura Marchese, entitled “Preparing Your Child For Success,” Here are a few highlights from the workshop:1.      Attitude - Encourage a positive attitude. Listen to your child’s comments to understand how they feel about themselves.2.      Ability – Pay attention to what your child [...]

Preparing Your Child For Success2020-11-30T20:01:11-05:00

Thanks Bridgewater Mom’s!

Thanks Bridgewater Mom's!You were great!  Remember the ATM method of positive discipline!

Thanks Bridgewater Mom’s!2010-11-08T18:34:00-05:00

Parent Workshop

Kangaroo Kids Child Care & Learning Center will host a Parent Workshop entitled, “Preparing Your Child for Success,” Tuesday November 9th at 7pm.  Topics will include academic preparation, social/emotional and behavioral preparation, teaching etiquette, and how to create a supportive household.  Admission is a can of food for the food bank and the workshop open to [...]

Parent Workshop2020-11-30T20:01:11-05:00

Discipline: An Opportunity To Teach

Discipline is an opportunity to teach.  Start by creating a YES environment for children.  They need to climb, explore, and experiment.  Create an environment where they can be successful and meet their developmental needs.  Here are a few examples of how you can turn a negative comment into a YES comment:Negative message:                                         Positive MessageDon’t climb [...]

Discipline: An Opportunity To Teach2020-11-30T20:01:11-05:00
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