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Creative Connections for July

July is a time for outdoor family fun, swimming and picnics.   Read on to find out more about this month of special days and fun activities for families to do together. There are inks to crafts and recipes you can create with your children during July to bring out the inner chef, adventurer, and artist [...]

Creative Connections for July2023-07-01T15:05:15-04:00

Creative Connections for June

Here are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this June!  Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these with your children! 6/2- National Donut Day!  It usually is the first Friday of the month.  Be sure to visit your [...]

Creative Connections for June2023-06-02T10:27:05-04:00

Creative Connections for May

May brings flowers and beautiful weather for outdoor family fun.   Read on to find out more about this month of special days and fun activities for families to do together. There are inks to crafts and recipes you can create with your children during May to bring out the inner chef, adventurer, and artist in [...]

Creative Connections for May2023-05-07T20:17:01-04:00

Creative Connections for April

April brings Spring flowers and the start of lots of outdoor fun..    Read on to find out more about this month of special days and fun activities for families to do together. There are inks to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this April! Bring out the inner chef and artist in [...]

Creative Connections for April2023-03-29T14:05:30-04:00

Creative Connections for March

March brings the luck of the Irish filled with delicious treats, smiles, and lots of green.    Read on to find out more about this month of special days and fun activities for families to do together. Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this March! [...]

Creative Connections for March2023-02-28T12:53:23-05:00

Creative Connections for February

February offers month-long celebrations filled with delicious treats, smiles, books, history and more. Read on to find out more about this month of love, Presidents and the coming of Spring (sooner or later). When George Washington told his father he could not tell a lie and he had chopped down the family’s cherry tree, it [...]

Creative Connections for February2023-01-30T09:50:42-05:00

Creative Connections for January

Ring in 2023 with these exciting activities that you and your family can enjoy together. 1/1-New Year’s Day: The Times Square ball drops at midnight on New Year’s Eve in New York City has been signaling the start of a new year every January 1 since 1908. New Year’s Day represents a fresh beginning, as [...]

Creative Connections for January2023-01-07T07:58:22-05:00

Creative Connections for December

Here are some festive activities and recipes  for December 2022 to help you and your children celebrate the holiday season. Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children! 12/4-National Cookie Day is a wonderful time to begin thinking about your holiday baking. [...]

Creative Connections for December2022-11-28T07:57:56-05:00

Creative Connections for November

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this November!  Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children! 11/1 National Author’s Day is November 1st. Today we honor our favorite authors by reading [...]

Creative Connections for November2022-11-01T10:10:24-04:00

Creative Connections for October

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this October! Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and chose Open Hyperlink 10/1 Can you guess what the favorite cookie in the U.S. is? The CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!!! [...]

Creative Connections for October2022-10-07T07:50:23-04:00
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